Terrie works with entrepeneurs who want to get their body back to working condition to enjoy therewards of their life work.
This is about YOU being empowered for you own wellbeing.
People who work with Terrie are prepared to work at recovering from a current physical challenge and learning about their body to set themselves up for a robust longevity into the future.
Terrie Sanders is university qualified in Human Physical Performance and Education, with a Bachelor of Physical Education** & Diploma of Education from the University of Western Australia.
For 13yrs Terrie was Owner and Executive Director of Health Pro Consultants Pty Ltd whose team of professionals, under her leadership, serviced health and well-being programs for Corporations throughout Western Australia including Woodside, Western Mining, Alcoa, Telstra, Water Corporation, Lendlease.
She is known both Australia wide and internationally for her unique and industry recognised initiatives and results.
Terrie’s driver is to keep wonderful people doing the work they love, living an enjoyable life & flourishing into longevity.
There are 3 coaching options Terrie works with::
Enables you to have a quick look at what is going on with initial comment to start understanding your road to recovery.
You can see that your body isn't keeping up like it used to and this is starting to compromise how you feel and your ability to maintain your earning capability and social interactions.
This short course package of 6 sessions enables you to learn from Terrie about your own unique situation and tendencies. Make the changes and start getting yourself back on track.
If you are serious about turning your situation around, this 6 month personalised coaching package is for you.
Terrie walks by your side as you come to understand where you are, what you need to do and get to and do it. Focus for 6 months, work to re-establish your tissue status and energy availability under close guidance and see your life start to flourish once again. Do it once, do it right and learn what you need for a lifetime.
Plus her monthly STAY ON TRACK Achiever's Alumni.
This is by invitation only, for graduates of her coaching programs.
People who work with Terrie are prepared to work at recovering from a current physical challenge and learning about their body to set themselves up for a robust longevity into the future.
Terrie enjoys working in the unknown and the unusual. Her work is slightly unconventional in that she has learnt to interpret unique information in an individuals biochemistry. Her work is based on a Health Model Approach (trademark H.L. Sam Queen) which she has interpreted across to exercise physiology to re-establish the base requirements of a robust body resulting in a healthy physical resiliency when challenged. She talks about this as a persons 'Full Bucket Syndrome' rating, to keep things simple. Read more >
Her work is on referral from previous clients, which means this website is a source of information for current clients rather than to necessarily attract new.
If you have heard about her work and would like to know more about her programs, have a read of the options below. Then contact Terrie to discuss further. After you have had a chat you will be sent details about the coaching option that suits you best.
Some past awards in which Terrie has been priviledged to be recognised include:
WA Aerobics Exercise Instructor of the Year by the Aerobic Institute of Western Australia
WA Fitness Leader of the Year by Network of Fitness Professionals Australia
an Executive Management Scholarship by the Australian Institute of Management
Gold medalist Paralympics
Set new World Record International Cycling
Nominated for Paralympian of the Year
Nominated WA Sports Person of the Year
Guest speaker by invitation in the Woman of Distinction Program Guides Australia.
Terrie was awarded an Order of Australia medal in 1997 for her service to Australia as a World Record holder and Gold Medal Paralympian in cycling.
Terrie also gained experience as a public speaker and keynote presenter as a result of these international experiences.
You are interested, yet not sure where to start. In this package you can have Terrie take a look at your biochemistry patterns and give you comment on your current status and what it would take to turn it around. This is a basic summary review of your current status, with preliminary comment in a 1 hour consult plus follow-up call with Terrie. This requires a private biochemistry test, details discussed with you on enquiry.
You can see that your body isn't keeping up like it used to and this is starting to compromise how you feel and your ability to maintain your earning capability and social interactions.
You are the person who likes to get in early and make change rather than continue to let the circumstance worsen. You've noticed your lifestyle and business is starting to show signs of compromise due to fatigue, and your body is not responding quite like it used to when needed. It might even be bringing out a 'grumpy' side in you.
This short course package of 6 sessions enables you to learn from Terrie about your own unique situation and tendencies. Make the changes and start getting yourself back on track.
If you are serious about turning your situation around, this 6 month personalised coaching package is for you. Terrie stands by your side as you come to understand where you are, what you need to do and get to and do it. Focus for 6 months, work to re-establish your tissue status and energy availability under close guidance and see your life start to flourish once again.
You've done all the work and seen the rewards, now keep it going by staying refreshed and uptodate with information. Includes a new recipe each month, reminder tips and interesting science facts, think-tank readings to keep you on your toes and in the know. This includes access to SOI scripts, web store and personalised web portal, access to audio talks, group calls, discounts to special events and publications. Annual fee or monthly payment plan available. There are 2 levels available, one includes short consult & action schedule reviews. For full details, contact Terrie.
**Terrie's BPE qualification included studies in: human physiology; human anatomy; functional anatomy; nutrition; growth and development; health, exercise and sport psychology; exercise physiology; biomechanics; motor control and learning; physical activity and health; research methods and statistics; health, exercise and sport assessment; exercise prescription; exercise delivery and professional practice.