Terrie works with individuals and groups who are wanting to create a lifetime of happiness through deepening their understanding of the Three Principles.
Terrie's 3Principles of Human Understanding coaching is the next level enquiry for those who want more once they have been introduced to the Healthy Human Understanding perspective.
Terrie has traveled and learnt alongside international facilitators with regards the Three Principles - as discovered and taught by Sydney Banks.
"Deeper understanding can only come when there is some movement in your level of consciousness".- Sydney Banks, Second Chance, 4th Edition, 2010.
People around the world are recognising their own insights that confirm for them the fact of the Three Principles.
Her travels have taken her to conferences and coaching opportunities in San Jose in America, Devon in England, Singapore and Salt Spring Island in Canada.
During these travels Terrie has been privileged to learn alongside Elsie Spittle and Chip Chipman as well as - on occasions - with Syd Banks himself when the opportunity arose.
Her gentleness of spirit, coupled with her understanding of the ‘3 Principles’, allows her to reach people and touch them with great depth, thereby changing their lives.
Elsie Spittle, President, 3PHD, B.C., Canada. Oct 2005.
Her 3 main forte's are in coaching others to understand deeper:
1. About the nature of, and how consciousness shifts occur as well as why this is important to us.
2. Her personal passion in coaching the Art of Insightful Action. Bringing practicality to an often misunderstood subject.
3. Shining a light on the role of understanding thought and how we use this to build a lifetime of happiness.
Three Principles in Conversation.
For anyone interested in the Three Principles.
A series of group teleconference calls.
Join anytime.
The Secrets Within
Read the book ? Now you can join Terrie in a short
'book club' hideaway teleconference series and look deeper into the secrets within the story.
"Thank you Terrie, you speak very clearly about things, I haven't had to ask many questions."
I am feeling very different. Thank you for the most wonderful session which has given me such a different way of looking at things. I feel a sense of peace and just know that the answers will come to me at the right time." 2012
"Thank you again for being you. It was wonderful to talk and I appreciated your wisdom so much. You gave me some perspective at a time in my life when I was not seeing any". ~ phone coaching client, USA.
"Thank you for your talk. I can now see why giving my clients peaceful space to 'go within' resulted in a calm and clear decision for them. I could see there was something special that had occurred but didn't understand actually what it was, now I do". ~ seminar participant 2007, Counsellor working in family planning.
"I know what you are saying Terrie - on days when I follow the feeling within of 'what to do' next and I don't worry about having to be productive - I get everything accomplished in my day and with a nice feeling". ~ seminar participant 2007, tradesperson.