Online Learning Portal
Thanks for joining us in the Online Learning Portal (OLP) for Wonderment Physiology.
This is a support section for clients only that enables you to be empowered and independent on information and action outside of your consultation time with Terrie.
The modules are priced to enable you to gain information and direction on subjects clients often bring up in conversation with Terrie - at a reasonable access fee, that then frees you to ask higher level questions during your consultation with Terrie.

Easy, Simple, Informative.

Coming Soon >
OLP Module 1
Chemical Free Housekeeping
A 3-part online learning to adjust your current knowledge and actions to clean up and setup a safe home environment - to be a chemically safe retreat for your family and loved ones.
What you get -
Access to Audio Talk
Pdf printouts of suggestions
Product list & access to webstore links.

Under Construction
OLP Module 5
Recovery Home Exercises #1
Currently being developed.
Learn to:
Under construction.
What you get -
Access to Audio Talk
Pdf printouts of exercises

Under Construction
OLP Module 2
In the Kitchen
Currently being developed.
Learn to:
Under construction.
What you get -
Access to Audio Talk
Pdf printouts of exercises