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Terrie Backgroun
The Clarity Instinct website


Terrie is an author, speaker, mentor on fresh thinking, happiness & productivity via insightful action. Also sharing the way through her own mastery of resilience.

She has been in business from the age of 23 years and ran her first company for 13 years with a sincere interest in delivering results, a clear passion for service and for understanding people as well as the discovery of what makes a business ‘tick’.

Her experience covers 7 years in customer service – retail, 13yrs running her own  (micro) company as well as 13yrs in her current consulting practice.​

This included over a decade consulting to large corporations and 26years in specialist consulting.

In her 30’s she was winning national and international gold medals and world records in cycling.

At this time she faced the challenge of gradually losing her peripheral vision. To find answers, she added to her qualifications by training in a unique proactive biochemistry health model approach, which, pleased with her own results, she added to her consulting portfolio and still practices today under 'The Full Bucket Syndrome'.  (See Physical Resiliency.  Terrie explains her speciality of the Full Bucket Syndrome on enquiry).


What she gained through this unique experience has enabled Terrie to develop an additional body of work on the topic of how wellbeing is an art AND a science as well as how intuition and instinct play a role in life - attending to the challenges of resilience, mindset, innovation and living in the unknown.

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Terie Endosement
Terrie Authorship
Terrie Speakership
The Clarity Instinct

Her uniqueness is that she sees clearly, with deep clarity – the human element.  Especially the forgotten innate abilities that we have and how critical a healthy human understanding is for our happiness and success in business and life. 

These innate, invisible, practical abilities that people are often familiar with, having acted from them in extreme circumstances - are available for every day use as well.  Terrie knows it as she lives it.

A moment of clarity as clear as the sound of a triangle playing in an orchestra - without it something isn't quite right - with it, the moment is complete.  This instinct to recognise when the moment is that clear and to act on it ~ Terrie calls this our Clarity Instinct.


BPE, Dip Ed.  HMA, 3P. Order of Australia Medal.

"Terrie is a master of resiliency, fresh thinking. She intuitively sees the human element with such clarity that it looks just too simple at times !

She so cleverly, genuinely introduces keys for human understanding and interactions that enable well being, connection, understanding, trust and achievement.  Shooting to the heart of the matter."

Christina Guidotti, CEO Leading Women



Terrie is the Author of The Big Blue Sky of Happiness series.


This four book series speaks to all ages and Introduces invisible keys for human understanding and interactions that enable connection, understanding, trust and achievement.


The first book in the series, The Big Blue Sky of Happiness & the Big Cloud of Sadness was released in 2019. 


She is currently working on the release of the second book - The Big Blue Sky of Happiness & The Friend.


Terrie also authors papers especially for individuals and coaching programs, plus select pieces in her Matter of Perspective section.


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Terrie was invited to present conference keynotes from the height of both her business success & her international cycling gold medals and world record achievements.

"Your keynote address was thought provoking, challenging and entertaining. Many delegates commented to me how much they gained from your address.

Terrie, your contribution helped to ensure our conference was successful and your address was simply outstanding.  

Thank you and best wishes"

~ National Training/HR Manager.


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