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For busy entrepeneurs who want to stop going nowhere fast.


"I see too many genius, capable, intelligent and caring people, drop off the wayside of achieving what they could in life due to missing setting in place a few key requirements.  These key requirements are essential to be operating at the top of their game for the duration of their business plan".  Terrie Sanders.  Performance Mindset Specialist.


Exhaustion, confusion and hesitation. These are the common causes of small business failure. Terrie Sanders prevents smart, genius, forward-thinking people from falling short of the longevity of their business plan and mission in life.

An entrepreneur wears numerous hats each day. They are expected to perform brilliantly in each of those roles. They are also expected to be at their best for each person they encounter.

This kind of pressure takes its toll physically, mentally and emotionally. The need to always be on duty in roles one is not always formally trained in means it is essential you know how to:

  • Be resilient in the moment, both physically and mentally.

  • Make the most of and enjoy all interaction.

  • Find clear direction within yourself to gain progress and confidence.

Terrie can teach you these invaluable skills so you can achieve your professional and financial goals without sacrificing your happiness and wellbeing.


Terrie knows that there is nothing that fresh thinking and resiliency cannot resolve for all of us.  These are key fundamentals for growth and engagement.  Said in the business lingo. 

For the individual, the reality is wanting to avoid burnout, not lose your cool in communications that can burn bridges and know how to interrelate with others for everyone's enjoyment both within your business team and for those interacting wtih your and your team.

Hence whey she calls this side of her work Healthy Human Understanding.  This includes her Thoughful Book Series of The Big Blue Sky of Happiness as well as her coachings on her Mind-Focus Matrix.


Terrie works in a unique are of expertise.  A hidden, quiet. leading area of physical resiliency enabling a healthy human performance. This is focused on recovering a healthy energy production & tissue integrity compromised by chronic toxicity exposures.


This she terms A Healthy Human Performance - one where you maintain your health whilst you gain active attributes to live a full day. 


She is currently writing an e-book on this area of hers known as The Full Bucket Syndrome.  Her coaching series is titled Get Back On Track.

            My professional interest is to keep smart, genius, forward thinking entrepeneurs from falling short of the longevity of their business plan and mission in life - due to the common points of failure - exhaustion, chaos, confusion, hesitation, boredom, loss of creativity, lack of focus, lack of interest, lack of progress. Once the thrill of startup is over these can move in pretty quickly. ~Terrie Sanders.


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