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The Healing Place

Our past has been a story of forever having to fix something.  The healing modalities in the past have had to focus on overcoming exposures and toxicities that were unnatural and never ending. 


Never getting a break from the unnatural exposures, meant we never got a break from having to attend to health.

Our future is a place of flourishing health and learning deeper.

Terrie's mentoring focuses on 3 areas -

  1. Education on the homeostatic controls of the human body

  2. Helping identify and clean up challenging toxins

  3. Designing specific protocols, giving comment on biochemistry and identifying personal actions required to correct.

Her clients come through client referrals which is a wonderful compliment.  If you are not a referral, you are still welcome to speak with Terrie to find out about her work.

Request a phone conversation >>

Good Progress,
Kind Words

"Working with Terrie has not only
improved my health considerably,

I am also learning to understand my body better and its needs ... and how to support my health myself in changing circumstances. 

Terrie's delight and enthusiasm for her work is catching, and she explains so wonderfully well the processes and needs of our bodies.
I am deeply grateful for her support
in my health care."

Client name withheld to respect privacy.

"Terrie’s approach
is always from a place of genuine care and compassion. When every other medical professional had given up and put me in the too hard basket, Terrie came along
and was there to fit the pieces
of the puzzle together."

Client name withheld to respect privacy.

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Terrie has various options to suit your different circumstances and needs.  Assisting empower you for life in your physical resiliency learning.

Open the door to a new way of understanding health and a new level of physical well-being and flourishing. 
With you in charge of you.


Terrie has various options to suit your different circumstances and needs.  Assisting empower you for life in your physical resiliency learning.


01  ~ "HERE FOR YOU"
Simple as that.  Terrie calls this time together - 'Flourish Mentoring'.
If you have a question that will take 15mins, need some mentoring that would take 30mins or a consult for 1 hour
, then I am here for you.
Keep learning, keep flourishing.
Email Terrie to arrange a time >>


Most often, referrals from current or previous clients, work with Terrie to clean up known exposures, identify unknown exposures causing their body trouble.  Clients conduct a unique biochemistry profile which Terrie then interprets, summarises and guides the mentoring sessions uniquely for you.

Let's Get you Back on Track to well being.

Includes learning how to use and integrate new advanced science modalities (if necessary from individual biochemistry results).






This mentorship option is known as 'The Full Bucket Syndrome' yet is up for review as a it has been suggested I should call this mentoring the 'Too Hard Basket' !So named as people would comment that when they felt all others had given up and put them in the "too hard basket, Terrie came along and was there to fit the pieces of the puzzle together."

Read about the FULL BUCKET SYNDROME >>


Annual Empowerment Mentoring.
A wonderful journey that will have you in a very different place with your well being than you can even imagine at the start.  Learn a different way that simplifies and puts you in the drivers seat for your health and your loved ones. Learn the ‘best kept secrets’.

Once you have completed your Individualised Focus Intensive, you are ready to understand more simply and yet deeper the understandings behind why ‘it works.


Group mentoring.

15 sessions, in blocks of 3 sessions then 3 weeks off.  Between Feb & Sept each year.  Join anytime.

Pay per session or as a block.
Email Terrie to enrol >>




**A work in progress. 

To assist people understand what is meant by 'homeostatic controls' - that the body has certain 'balance and checks' that when corrected keeps the body in the health range. This is fundamental to Terrie's work and what sets her apart from other practitioners. 


**Launch date to be advised.

Contact Terrie to put your name on the list.

Mentoring Portfolio
THP 2024 Mentor
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