Teenagers deserve the best chance at Life.
And then, there's growth into adulthood. A teenage body needs to be robust to take on the experiences and excitement of this time in one's life.
Having a naturally robust and energetic body, enables a teenager to be actively involved and part of both their age group and personal interests.
Understanding their own individual body helps empower at a younger age how to look after themselves to maintain healthful energy production & a strong, robust body.
Positive, inclusive, personalised and proactive learning.
Teens Coaching Package includes:
- Baseline Queen Profile Test
- Results Session plus
- 2 x 1hr Coaching Sessions.
Recommendation is to start with the baseline package and see what is needed from there.
Dependant on the circumstance, this coaching package can require retest/s and extended coaching to work at the pace of the teenager.
Tests & coaching is added as required.